Friday, May 29, 2009

Congratulations to SPELL BEE girl over her Greatest Achievement'

Today it is Kavya Shivshankar of Indian-Origin

It was a dream come true for Kavya Shivashankar as she made history by lifting the Scripps National Spelling Bee trophy to bring a third back-to-back victory of the prestigious championship to an Indian American kid.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This moment also will PASS!

Today while working very seriously on some very important and also urgent task "I got a visitor"! whom I never met. What was a casual enquiry from him, turned into a very useful and fantastic discussion. After exchanging few thoughts and professional backgrounds, the discussion turned into exchange of one important incident re-collected by the visitor. I thought it is worth sharing that is how "This moment also will PASS" is born. Of course the same phrase just by 'chance' I found in one of the google search. ("Nostalgia: Experiencing the Elusive").

There was a king who wanted to know the "Best mantra" to overcome "even the most difficult situation". He called for a meeting of the "best pandits" of the world. After deep thought processes, among all just one pandit handed over a small piece of paper in folded condition. When the curious king was about to open, the pandit cautioned the king, "Oh Dear King, You can see the mantra only when you are in the most difficult situation, which is beyond your capacity to overcome!". The king agreed and kept that small piece of paper hidden in his ring. Time passed, the king almost forgot about the incident. There were several wars which he conquered, however he lost in one of the wars and was left alone wandering in jungles for several years.. and in the depressing journey he even reached the edge of a mountain, with no other option, except ending his life, all of a sudden he remembered the hidden message in the ring, and curiously he opened the piece of paper which was kept in the ring for several decades. He cheered with laugh and the message is nothing but the title of this post.

The rest is history, he could win against his rebels... the story goes on..

What is the moral of this story.. "Never Give Up", "This time also will pass!" you can rise again like a shiny SUN with breeze to enlighten the world ! There is still a Tomorrow awaiting with HOPE!

I really thank my visitor from the bottom of my heart, and with in couple of hours I could finish all the tasks which were long over due (ofcourse I was feeling guilty for delaying), now I cleared my mind with fresh thoughts with new enthusiasm. Hope this post will inspire some one in my situation.. and remember the phrase when you are in The Most Difficult situation.. "THIS TIME ALSO WILL PASS"..

Have a nice day!