Saturday, February 20, 2010

Equal Opportunity

Opportunities are for every one. All this seems very soothing to the ears and very fair too. However what is the truth on the ground, in reality especially in work place? On paper yes, all are equal and no one is given advantage over others. If the individuals take their hobby into profession (vice versa), yes they can see the capabilities & opportunities in them.

Man is imperfect in many ways, so he often stumbles in life. Misfortune try him, as FIRE tries GOLD. Failures appear to be unplesant, but in reality, they are very helpful in many other ways. They are the best teachers. Each time we fail, we learn some lessons. (like installing new operating systems / software in a new/old computer or facing interview for new job or existing job etc., :) We come to know the reason of our failure. In the next attempt we guard ourselves against the same 'old' mistakes. The experience we gain each time makes our path of success smooth and easy, and most importantly it makes us very strong and wise. If we give up trying as soon as we meet with failure, we remain defeated in life, even though we might have the necessary power to reach the goal. If a man armed with the experience of failuures picks up courage and goes on doing a thing, success will be his. Others will join hands to support him directly or indirectly. One should not feel ashamed of failure in any attempt. After all SUCCESS is nothing but HONEST attempt through HARDWORK. Success does not guarantee happiness, but happiness brings success for sure.

One of the best example is Indian's struggle for Freedom till Aug 15, 1947. The person to be remembered is non other than the one, who's presence is seen in every currency note of India. When you handle money in India, you should remember our struggle for this priceless freedom! and unity.

Let us not forget we were slaves and pain we gone through. Let us not make any one slave for quick and immediate benefits.. let us give equal opportunity, train and liberate others to grow.

Citizen (We) >> Seek solution >> Government (Us)

It is Time to learn more about:

Power of knowledge
Education & Skills
Human Rights
Equality & Law
Empowering women
Youth Power
Duty & Responsibility
Priorities in Life