Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Read ahead..

  • Anything worthdoing can't be done alone
  • There is no greater feeling in life - no greater freedom - than to know that you can be yourself and part of a group that is engaged in a cause that is greater than you are..
  • The thing that matters is meaning ! It drives everything. Builders align their attention to the the things that matter to them, and they know a lot about that stuff.
  • Highly accomplished people use language in an instinctive or intutive way - and its focused on what they are trying to accomplish.
  • What follows is written for all of you who have a degree of curiosity about the ins and outs of this process.

.. to be continued..

  • This is one of the best lessions from human history. You may or may not be to blame for what happens to you, but either way you are responsible fo doing something about it.
  • Disagreement is refreshing when two men lovingly desire to compare their views to find out truth. Convroversy is wretched when it is only an attempt to prove another wrong.
  • One of the oddly inspiring action styles of enduring successful people is that contention is something they actually seekout.
  • Builders see creative contention as part of a rich collaborative process that never ends .. it inspires action day in and day out in an ever changing environment.
  • "inBank" Anyone of the team members can click on the button (panic) and give us a stupid rule to kill.
  • Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exists in nature, nor do the childern of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run that outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

What next..

  • I found people who are always worried about the next move in the chess game of their life never quite get at that move
  • Builders insists that self esteem comes from trying and failing, trying and failing and succeeding with small wins and doing the work a little better each time.
  • Experience is a hard teacher. She give the test first. the lessons afterwards..
  • Gain is the edge of loss; loss is the heart of gain. Having many difficulties perfects the being, having no difficulties ruins the being.
  • Builders harvest failure
  • Builders (Great Personalities) achieve enduring success when they pour themselves into constructive habits limiting their additions to the passions that serve them.
  • They just tolerate the risks, feel the fear, take the brickbats, learn from failure and do what matters to them anyway... (http://moltable.ncl.res.in/icci)
  • It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.
  • Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way thins turn out.
  • Enduringly successful people have found that the answer to their life's purpose is buried not in passionate love or pain alone, but in the struggle over both together, working in strange harmony.
  • Builders let go of what doesn't work when it is not working. They don't make the future pay the debts of the past.
  • Builders claim that its your choice to decide whether to be the victim or a beneficiary of what there is to harvest from the most difficult circumstances.
  • Like the princes in the story, builders describe their path as adventures filled with bad breaks and un planned good fortune. Only a prepared mind and open heart prevails.
  • Indeed for builders who stay true to what they know and what matters to them, things actually have a knack of turning out better than they imagined.

Success building..

  • Ironically, at the same time society insists that you do one thing with your life, those same cultural norms pressure you to have a "balanced" life split into neat little slices.
  • You don't have to make a career of everything that is meaningful to you, but you do need to find a place for everything that is meaningful to you. That's the balance that you are seeking..
  • Carve out a little time each week, one the job or after work, to experiment in some way with one of your other passions..
  • The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorabe, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you lived and lived well..
  • To ask them why they are still working is to dismiss their passions as trivial pursuits.We made that mistake more than once in our interviews. It seemed an innocent question, but only served to demonstrate that we didnot get it..
  • If there was one thing they all do consistently - one value that they all share in common - it is integrity to what matters to them..
  • Each of us has to struggle in our own in our own individual way to achieve a measurement of success.
  • As it turns out, all of the stories of enduringly successful people have some improbable quality to them.
  • Those who donot know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either.
  • It is like the wizart of Oz. We're looking for a wizard seeking a heart, a brain, courage and the wizard says you already have these things. All you need to do is to use it. When you believe in your great indomitable self, then all things are possible.
  • Happy ending come from listening to that little voice inside your head - some call it the whisper about what matters to you.
  • Ultimately, no form of aquisition (having) or activity (doing) can astingy deliver what we long for, the authentic experience of being fully alive.
  • Do you care more about being loved than being what you love?
  • Enduringly successful people have concluded that their commitment to the service of others is also in their self interest.
  • Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone's else's life..
  • In order for you to do what matters in a way that you are healthy, you can't pretend or deaden out like a machine- to steel yourself doesnot work. You have to feel everything and use it.
  • Your personality is not what determines enduring success; it is what you do with your personality that counts.
  • If it's worth doing then for heaven's sake treat it as if it's worth doing..
  • Life take passion, determinination and skill. Rice cautioned.. You can't skip any of those three and expect to enjoy success built to.. LAST..

Success built to last for ever..

  • Healthy, sustainable socieities require the creation of healthy, sustainable organizations and great organizations and societies can only be built by human beings who can grow and create meaningful success.
  • We learned that, for the most part extraordinary people, teams and organizations are simply ordinary people doing extraordinary things that matters to them.
  • Until you "figure out what succes means" to you personally and to your organization, leadership is an almost "pointless conversation".
  • Famous executives out there fundamentally gild and lily. They don't tell you the awful truth about the pain you will face.
  • The current definition of success is a potentially toxic prescription for your life and work.
  • Success built to last: [meaning] [thought] [action]
  • Become consciously aware of what matters to you and then rally your thought and action to support your definition of meaning. That is what we call alignment.
  • Most of us worry more about being loved that being what we love.
  • The only place where you find success before work is in the dictionary.
  • Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add but when there is no longer anything to take away.
  • Listen up: here is some really bad news: It's dangerous not to do what you love..
  • Execution: The discipline of getting things done" That's what executives are paid for...
  • To spend any part of your career not knowing why you're there will take your power away. It is dangerous not to be fully engaged.
  • You know they say that success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get.
  • When you are deeply immersed in the process of doing whatever you are doing and completely lose track of time and place you are in a flow experience.
  • Celebrating what's right with the world s an excruciating unhip and uncool thing to do. We are carefully trained by safety conscious parents, in-laws, institutions of higher learning and the evening news to ignore or ridicule optimistic people.
  • No one can tell you what risks you should take. We are insisting that you must choose a path that you love for better or for worse.
  • It is exciting to see how fast your kids learn and grow. I am not too worried about them, particularly the ones who like to break the rules and don't follow instructions; those are the ones that will do just fine, because they know what's important to them. (Michael Dell)
  • To find your mission in life is to discover the instersection between your heart's deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger.
  • If I see something I don't like , I try to change it, and if can't change it, I change my position of looking at it, and then by seeing it from an different angle. I might be able to change it; or I might find some good in it that I can use, which might make it change itself.

to continue...

"no web content can replace the BOOK: success built to last".. it only makes you to search for it.. The soon the better..

success built to last for ever...

I am inspired by reading "success built to last" by Porras, Emery & Thomson.
This book is about how the great personalities and most successful people followed their dreams and what matters to them ... I personally felt some of the lines from the book is very important to every one's life.. please don't stop here.. get the access to the book and get the maximum of it...



Friday, March 9, 2007

Lessons for Life - #2

  • Reputation is what you need to get a job Character is what you need to keep it.
  • One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness, for it is usually returned..
  • Success is not getting the most you can, but giving the best you can.
  • A Real friend warms you by is presence, trusts you with his secrets, and remembers you in his prayers.
  • Taking time to stop, rest and relax is not time wasted - it will keep you going even longer, and with more inspiration.
  • Do you own your possessions or do your possessions own you?
  • Some people treat God as they do a lawyer; they go to Him only when they are in trouble.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

lessons for LIFE

  • Most of us spend a lot of time dreaming of the future, never realizing that a little of it arrives each day.
  • Choice, not chace determines destiny
  • All changes are difficult and sometimes costly, but if they're good changes, in the long run they pay off
  • Knowledge is knowing the facts; wisdom is knowing what to do with the facts you know
  • At times we may not know where God is, but we can be confident that He knows where we are
  • Don't mind criticism. If it's untrue, disregard it; if it's unfair, stay calm; if it's ignorant, smile; if it's justified, learn from it.
  • Love is a gift that God places in the hearts of people the world over.
  • No one can read your mind, so what they see, hear, and feel from you is what they'll know you for.
  • Force yourself to think on the good things. Look for the good qualities in others; then your actions, expressions and words will automatically reflect those good things you've been thinking and meditating on.
  • There is great difference between worry and concern: worry frets about a problem; concern solves the problem.
  • Good is often the enemy of the best

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

All time Reading -Part 9

  • A designer knows he has arrived at perfection not when there is no longer anything to add but when there is nothing to take away
  • Envy is so natural to human kind, and it cannot but arise
  • Nothing sharpens sight like envy
  • The greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong
  • Regrets are as personal as fingerprints
  • What is left when honor is lost
  • I can resist everything except temptation
  • Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes
  • Men can learn little from success, but much from failure

All time Reading - Part 8

  • Circumstances rule men, men donnot rule circumstances
  • The easiest person to deceive is one’s self
  • It is easy to make good decision, when there is not bad options.
  • Deliberation is the work of many men. Action of one alone
  • It is much safer than to rule
  • The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life
  • Conceit is the finest armour a man can wear
  • If you are going to be a bridge you have got to be prepared to be walked upon
  • One enemy is too much
  • Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm

All time Reading - Part 7

  • You have got to learn to survive a defeat.
  • That when you develop character
  • Many would be cowards if they had courage enough
  • Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry
  • I donot meet compitition. I crush it
  • Anybody can win, unless there happens to be a second entry
  • There is no such thing as a convincing argument, although everyman things he has one
  • Silence the unbeatable repartee
  • Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth
  • Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream
  • Little things affects little minds

All time reading - Part 6

  • The trouble with most of us is that we stop trying in trying times
  • Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man
  • You are in the front door, kid what you do in this side of it is up to you
  • The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do
  • There is nothing we receive with so much reluctance as advice
  • Advice after injury is like medicine after death
  • Your attitude is a choice you make
  • As you get better at things it becomes less interesting
  • It is only the wisest and most stupid who cannot change
  • If you want make enemies try to change something

All time reading - Part 5

  • Next week there cannot be any crisis. My schedule is already full
  • A man who never trust himself never trusts anyone
  • Virtue is not always midable
  • Nine tenth of wisdom is being wise in time
  • The wiseman is satisfied with nothing
  • You never learn when you are talking
  • How often misused words generate misleading thoughts
  • One good head is better than 100 strong hands
  • force has no place where there is need of skill
  • Every man loves what is good at

All time reading - Part 4

  • Never under estimate the power of irate customer
  • Men of few words are best men
  • Nothing is so simple it cannot be misunderstood
  • The first step to finding something is knowing where to look
  • Those who tell you its tough at the top have never been at the bottom
  • Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy
  • In the world second thought it seems are best
  • You cannot fight against the future. Time is on our side
  • Better three hours too soon than a minute too late
  • Lost time is never found again

All time reading - Part 3

  • When all else fails, Read the instructions
  • Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed down stairs a step at a time
  • When you soar like an eagle you attack the hunters
  • Employees must be given responsibility to be backed with investment, and to be provided with motivation. Good people won’t stay without them
  • A ship in a port is safe but that’s not what ships are built for
  • The past is atleast secure
  • There are one hundred men seeking security to one man who is willing to risk is fortune
  • The worst the passage, the more welcome the port
  • If we had no faults of our won, we would not take so much pleasure in noticing those of others
  • There is no such thing as a hard sell or a soft sell. There is only a small sell or a stupid sell

All time reading - Part2

  • All you need in life is ignorance and confidence and then success is sure
  • Intelligence is not all that important in the exercise of power and is often in point of fact useless
  • All men by nature desire to know
  • Donot be overly elated by good fortune, remember how easily it can change
  • Never find delight in another’s misfortune
  • The word necessary seldom is
  • Do other men for they would do you. That’s the true business perecept.
  • Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen
  • You are never giving , nor can you ever give enough service
  • Physical strength can never permanently with stand the impact of spiritual force

All time Reading - Part-1

  • All things are difficult before they are easy
  • Delay is preferable to error
  • Progress might have been all right once, but its gone on too long
  • That’s old American way – if you get a thing then over do it
  • Trends like horses, are easier to ride in the direction they are already going
  • Money cannot buy you friends but you can get a better class of enemy
  • You can chose your friends but you are stuck with your relatives. Your goal should be just out of reach but not out of sight
  • Haste in every business brings failure
  • There things which are real god, human folly and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension some must do what can to the third
  • The hardest job of all is trying to look busy when you are not


  • Have intimate connection with none but God
  • Mix little with others more with genuinely true people
  • Be moderate in everything. Extremes are always dangerous
  • Have everyday self-analysis and introspection. Know the amount of your growth
  • Give up curiosities in spiritual path.
  • Concerve your energy and concentrate.
  • Think little of food, body and relatives
  • Think more to atma
  • You must Realize in this very birth itself.
  • Life is only once make the best use of it..... !


  • Have a check over all your thoughts
  • Keep your thoughts pure and sublime
  • Do not lose temper when anybody insults, taunts or rebukes you
  • Insulting words are mere play of words and variety of sounds
  • Rest your mind in God and live in Truth
  • Be up and doing in the path of perfection
  • Have a definite aim in your life and proceed cautiously
  • Benefits of silence are incalculable
  • Never give up this practice of silence
  • Four important means for pation to enter the mind are sound, touch, sight and thoughts. Be vigilant


  • Admit your faults plainly
  • Take care of your health. Do not neglect daily exercises
  • Be active and humble always
  • Develop your heart by giving.
  • Be extraordinarily charitable.
  • Give more than one's expectations
  • Desires multiply misery
  • Develop contentment
  • Control the senses one by one
  • Develop Brahmakara Viritti by repeated thinking


Forgive and forget the harm don by others. Do good to those who hate you
Shut lust, anger, egoism etc., like a venomous cobra
Be prepared to suffer any amount of pain
Have a set of maxims always with you to induce Vairagya
Keep control over sensual pleasure.. they cannot give you satisfaction
See God in every face, in everything
Face obstacles coolly and boldly
Care not criticism when you are in the right path.
Yield not to flattery
Respect Rogues and scoundrels. Serve them


Be cheerful always. Give up worries
Be indifferent to things that do not concern you
Fly away from company and discussion
Be alone for few hours daily
Give up greediness, jealousy and hoarding
Control your emotions by discrimination and Vairag
Maintain equilibrium of mind always
Think twice before you speak and thrice before you act
Give up back biting, criticizing and fault finding, Beware of reaction
Find your own fault and weakness. See only good in others. Praise the virtues of others


Have great patience and perseverance
Never leave the abhyas even for a day
The Guru will only guide you. You should yourself thread the path
Life is short. Time of death is uncertain. Apply yourself seriously to Yogic Sadhana
Maintain daily spiritual diary and record corretly your progress and failure. Stick to resolves.
Do not complain that thre is no time for Sadhana. Reduce sleep and tall talks.
Let the thought of God (Reality) ; keep away the thought of the world
Forget the feeling that you are so and so
Never postpone a thing for to-morrow if it is possible for you to do it today
Do not boast or make a show of your abilities. Be simple and humble

For Daily Reading

  • Reduce your wants to the utmost minimum
  • Adapt yourself to circumstances
  • Never be attached to anything to anybody
  • Share what you have with others
  • Be ever ready to serve. Lose no opportunity. Serve with Atma-Bhav
  • Entertain Akarta and Sakshi Bhav
  • Speak measured and sweet words
  • Have a burning thirst for God realization
  • Renounce all your belongings and surrender yourself unto God
  • Spiritual path is a sharp edged razor path. A guru is absolutely necessary