- Healthy, sustainable socieities require the creation of healthy, sustainable organizations and great organizations and societies can only be built by human beings who can grow and create meaningful success.
- We learned that, for the most part extraordinary people, teams and organizations are simply ordinary people doing extraordinary things that matters to them.
- Until you "figure out what succes means" to you personally and to your organization, leadership is an almost "pointless conversation".
- Famous executives out there fundamentally gild and lily. They don't tell you the awful truth about the pain you will face.
- The current definition of success is a potentially toxic prescription for your life and work.
- Success built to last: [meaning] [thought] [action]
- Become consciously aware of what matters to you and then rally your thought and action to support your definition of meaning. That is what we call alignment.
- Most of us worry more about being loved that being what we love.
- The only place where you find success before work is in the dictionary.
- Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add but when there is no longer anything to take away.
- Listen up: here is some really bad news: It's dangerous not to do what you love..
- Execution: The discipline of getting things done" That's what executives are paid for...
- To spend any part of your career not knowing why you're there will take your power away. It is dangerous not to be fully engaged.
- You know they say that success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get.
- When you are deeply immersed in the process of doing whatever you are doing and completely lose track of time and place you are in a flow experience.
- Celebrating what's right with the world s an excruciating unhip and uncool thing to do. We are carefully trained by safety conscious parents, in-laws, institutions of higher learning and the evening news to ignore or ridicule optimistic people.
- No one can tell you what risks you should take. We are insisting that you must choose a path that you love for better or for worse.
- It is exciting to see how fast your kids learn and grow. I am not too worried about them, particularly the ones who like to break the rules and don't follow instructions; those are the ones that will do just fine, because they know what's important to them. (Michael Dell)
- To find your mission in life is to discover the instersection between your heart's deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger.
- If I see something I don't like , I try to change it, and if can't change it, I change my position of looking at it, and then by seeing it from an different angle. I might be able to change it; or I might find some good in it that I can use, which might make it change itself.
to continue...
"no web content can replace the BOOK: success built to last".. it only makes you to search for it.. The soon the better..
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